
論文・学会発表Papers & Presentations

International Journals

Matsumoto, H., Nakayama, A., & Hiromori, T. (2013). Exploring the development of individual difference profiles in L2 reading. System - An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 41, 994-1005.
Matsumoto, H., Hiromori, T., & Nakayama, A. (2013). Toward a tripartite model of L2 reading strategy use, motivations, and learning beliefs. System - An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics, 41, 38-49.
Nakayama. A., Heffernan, N., Matsumoto, H., & Hiromori, T. (2012). The Influence of Goal Orientation, Past Language Studies, Overseas Experiences, and Gender Differences on Japanese EFL Learners’ Beliefs, Anxiety, and Behaviors. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, vol. 6, 2, p. 19-39.
J. Asia TEFL
Hiromori.T., Matsumoto, H., & Nakayama, A.(2012). Profiling Individual Differences of Successful and Unsuccessful L2 Readers. Journal of Asia TEFL, vol.9, No.2, pp.49-70.
Cognitive Studies
Shinohara, K., & Nakayama, A. (2011). Modalities and directions in Synaesthetic metaphors in Japanese. Cognitive Studies, vol.18, No.3, 491-507.

Professional Presentations / Researchmap

In English

International Conferences

Nakayama, A., Tomida, E., Chikamori, K., Ono, Y., Yamamoto, A., & Ohtani, C. (2015, September). How Japanese university students deal with cultural disequilibrium: a special focus on the process of constructing their beliefs about cross-cultural experience during their short-term study English-abroad program in the U.S. Paper presented at the 27th Japan-U.S. Teacher Education Consortium (JUSTEC2015) at University of West Florida, Septermber 14th-17th.

Nakayama, A., Faherty, S., & Yoshida, H. (2014, August). The developmental changes of learner beliefs and L2 self-concept: a case study focusing on a Japanese university EFL learner with high proficiency. Paper presented at the international conference on motivational dynamics and second langauge acquisition. 28th-30th August at the University of Nottingham, UK.

Nakayama, A., Heffernan, N., & Miura, Y. (2014, August). Foreign language activities for Japanese elementary school students who need special educational assistance. Poster presented at AILA World Congress 2014. Brisbane, Australia.

Nakayama, A., Yoshida, H., Matsuoka, M., Kubo, M., & Tsukada. H. (2014, March). Foreign Language Activities for Japanese elementary school students with Special Educatoinal Needs. Poster presented at the annual meeting of American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL2014). Portland, Oregon.

Nakayama, A., Yoshida, H., & Faherty, S. (2013, September). How the developmental changes of learner beliefs affect L2 self-concept: a case study focusing on a Japanese university EFL learner with high proficiency. Poster presented at BAAL2013, at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.

Miura, Y., Nakayama, A. & Heffernan, N. (2012, June). Foreign Language Activities for Japanese Students in Special Needs Education. Poster presented at Insights into applied linguistics: languaging, agency, and ecologies, at University of Jyvaskyla, Finland June 4-7.

In Japanese

Domestic Conferences

中山晃.(2015)「特別支援学級での外国語活動:評価に関する一考察」平成27年度JACET中国・四国支部秋季研究大会 於 松山大学

中山晃.(2014)「ティーチング・ポートフォリオの作成を通して英語教育活動を振り返る」平成26年度JACET中国・四国支部春季研究大会 於 広島市立大学

Invited Talks

中山晃(2012).「大学ではどのように英語を教えているのか?−愛媛大学における初年次英語教育を例として−」平成24年度愛媛県高等学校教育研究会英語部会研究協議会(平成24年5月9日)於 愛媛県立松山南高等学校

中山晃(2002).「言語学習にかかわる諸要因−情意的・認知的要因を中心に−」横浜国立大学環境情報学府 招待講演(メディアコロキウム、2002年7月12日)於 横浜国立大学 



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TEL 089-927-8936
E-mail. nakayama@ehime-u.ac.jp